1. Aktif kayıt ve bildirilerin son gönderim tarihi 3 Mayıs 2024’tür.
2. Our congress language is Turkish. Presentations and abstracts in English will also be accepted, depending on the researcher's preference.
3. Our congress is not organized on a specific theme, there is no subject restriction.
4. Only original researches will be accepted. Case reports, case series, reviews, meta-analyses, and lecture-type studies will not be accepted.
5. Abstracts should be arranged in the form of introduction-purpose, material-method, findings, conclusion, and keywords. You can find the details of the rules that have to be followed down below and review the abstract example suitable for this format.
6. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words, excluding the title and the name of the researchers.
7. Abstracts will be sent to mascobildirim@gmail.com in Turkish or English. The name of the study should be written in the subject line of the mail. The file name should be arranged in such a way as to indicate the name of the participant who will make the presentation. In addition, please include your telephone and e-mail addresses at the end of the abstract file so that we can get back to you for corrections.
8. State the type of presentation you want to make (poster or oral presentation) at the end of your abstract. It may be requested by the Assessment Authority to make changes in the presentation options of the researches sent as oral or poster presentations.
9. Oral presentations will be grouped around the theme of "Experimental" and "Observational" research categories; poster presentations will be grouped around the theme of “Community Health and Determinants of Health” and "Patients and Diseases". All researches will be evaluated by expert juries and the groups which rank in the first three places in each category will be awarded.
10. Ethics committee approval is necessary for applications performed on living organisms.
11. Oral presentations should be planned not to exceed 10 minutes. After the presentation, the discussion time with the jury is determined as 5 minutes. The presentations should be made by one or two of the group members. All group members must be present in the hall during the discussion with the jury. *You can find an oral presentation example at marmarastudentcongress.com/katilim-sartlari.
12. The groups that will present their research as posters should prepare their research posters in 50*70 cm sizes. Group members should attend the congress with the poster printed in the same sizes. Poster presentations should not exceed 7 minutes. After the presentation, the discussion time with the jury is determined as 3 minutes. The presentations should be made by one or two of the group members. All group members must be present in the hall during the discussion with the jury. *You can find a poster presentation example at marmarastudentcongress.com/katilim-sartlari.
13. Abstracts accepted to the congress will be included in the MaSCo Proceedings Booklet.
Participants who attend at least three of our five conferences will receive a passive participation certificate, and participants who make a research presentation will receive an active participant certificate. Certificates will be sent via e-mail.
*Being present in the hall is not mandatory for all research members of the groups who are external participants.